Monday, February 25, 2008

Everything You Wanted to Know about the Brain Boosters Blog

If you've been reading this blog from beginning, you've probably noticed some changes. If you're new to the blog, I've made a bunch of changes just since last week. Now you can see my picture, for example. Yup, that's really grey hair!

So thought it might a good time to give you a little tour around the Brain Boosters Blog.

1. Notice the box below each post. You can now make comments. Please do. Let's get the dialog started.

2. You can subscribe to the blog via email. Means you don't have to come back here everyday to see if I've posted something for you. Just enter your email address in top right hand corner. Each time there's a new post, you'll get an email. I won't ever see your name so don't worry that I can email you stuff you don't want.

3. Or subscribe to a news feed. If you're new to blogging, you'll need to get a news reader first. Try You'll end up with a little icon on your desktop which you click on to check your "feeds." You can subscribe to other blogs, newspapers, and all sorts of things. You'll find the link right below the email subscribe box.

4. After links to recommended sites and the archives of this blog, you'll find resources about the brain, resources for teachers and parents. I'll be including topics such as Brain Gym, ADHD, brain-based learning, multiple intelligences, autism, play, and much more.

Right now, it's mostly books but we'll be adding articles and magazines. And check back frequently as we add new ones.

5. The plan--at least for now--I'll alternate between posts mostly for parents and posts mostly for teachers. And in between I'll be throwing in a bunch of stuff about ADHD. Stories, experiences I've had, things teachers and parents have shared with me, tidbits I've run across while surfing the web or reading newspapers and even research like today's earlier post on Project-based Learning.

Enjoy my blog, come back frequently. Let me know what you think, what you'd like me to cover in posts or add to resources. This blog's for you!


P.S. It starts tomorrow night. Have you signed up yet? Brain Gym Basics TeleChat.

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