Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What about Social Networking for Kids?

Little kids always want to do what big kids do. These days big kids are doing social networking on their computers. MySpace saw 52 million visitors in June. Some of these visitors posted sexual content unsuitable for little kids. And even worse, some of the visitors were men looking to entice young girls.  Even though MySpace is working on security and content issues, it’s hardly a safe or appropriate place for your youngsters.

Now there’s a solution. It’s Imbee, a social networking site designed for kids 8-14. Parents have to approve registration. They can join too. No un-moderated chat rooms, and security prevents your child from talking to strangers. You can check it out at www.imbee.com

Kids can post pictures and blog on Imbee. Then invite their friends and family to take a look.  When a child joins Imbee, they get a "business card" they can copy and pass out to their friends, encouraging them to join.

Imbee can be used in the classroom too. For example, your 4th grade class could all join and then share their pictures, thoughts, poems, class projects, whatever with their family.  

Sounds like fun.  I’m going to talk the grandkids in New Hampshire and Ohio into joining Imbee, and then I’ll join here in Colorado.  Hmm, not sure how grandparents join since our addresses are different. Have to look into it.  

P.S. Don’t forget that my 3-hour “Introduction to Brain Gym” TeleChat starts on August 8. Sign up today at www.brain-based-learning.com/TeleChatBrainGym.htm  Plenty of time on the TeleChat for your questions.

If you’ve been interested in Brain Gym but haven’t had the time, money, or opportunity to take the full three-day class, the Brain Gym TeleChat’s your answer.  It works for kids at home. It works in the classroom. And it works for grownups too.  

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