Tuesday, October 17, 2006

How to Use Brain-based Learning when the Electricity Goes Out

Woke up this morning to 6 inches of wet, heavy snow. We're up in the mountains so snow in October isn't unusual nor unwanted. Except that this snow brought down power lines. And zap, out go the lights, my computer, and the coffee pot.

I'm so addicted to electricity and an internet connection that I drove 26 miles to the nearest library so I could blog and check e-mail--after stopping for coffee, of course.

Got me to thinking about our dependence on electricity and it's connection to learning. So what do kids do when the electricity goes out--other than whine because there's no TV and ask when it's coming back on?

Next time it happens, here's a list to choose from. After they've checked the list, see who can add the most activities to it. Have a "no electricity" contest. The brain likes contests--contests build new neuronal connections.

1. Read
2. Play board games
3. Make a snowman
4. Take a walk in the rain
5. Do arts and crafts activities
6. Finish homework
7. Figure out what to eat that doesn't require a stove or microwave. Could you fix an entire dinner without cooking?

No contest for me. I found electricity as soon as I could even if it meant a long drive.

And speaking of Brain-based Learning, check out the FREE Introductory Brain Gym TeleChat. Discover a program that helps kids (and their teachers and parents) learn anything more easily and quicker. It’s Wednesday night, October 18, from 6 to 7 pm mountain time. Can’t make it? Register anyway and listen at your convenience on Web audio.

And while you’re at it, take a look at a new brain entrainment program. It’s called OptiMINDzation. I’m using it myself and just love it. Helps me focus when I get overwhelmed by my 10-mile-long to-do lists. You can do it without electricity--as long as you remembered to get batteries.

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