Saturday, October 28, 2006

Life in an Attention-deficit Society

Was reading some stuff yesterday about Internet marketing by guru Rich Schefren. He thinks we live in an attention-deficit society.

No kidding.

So today I need to get the basement picked up and rearranged so there’s room in the guest room for a guest, pay some bills, run to the Post Office, work on my e-book “Brain Boosters for Your Kids" (deadline is Nov. 9 for rough draft), get 60 workbooks ready for next week’s Brain Gym class, listen to a teleseminar from my Internet marketing mentor Tom Antion, and . . . the to-do list just for today never ends

I’m overwhelmed. It’s too much. Can’t keep my attention on anything or figure out what to do next.

So, yes, I agree with Rich. Even in quiet, peaceful Marble, Colorado, I live in an attention-deficit world.

And the latest brain research is saying that my brain doesn’t like multi-tasking which is how I’ve always tried to manage my to-do lists.

Possible Solutions:

1. Randomly cut up the to-do lists in very small pieces, put in hat, and draw.

2. Go fishing (People in Marble fish in the Crystal River even in snow.)

3. Eat a little very dark, rich-in-something-that’s-good-for-you, chocolate.

4. Listen to my OptiMindzation CD for brain entrainment.

5. Do Brain Gym.

Today’s Decisions:

Do 3, 4, and 5 in that order. No. 1 is scary and no. 2 is boring. 4 and 5 are good brain-based learning techniques. I guess 3 is too since your brain learns better if it's feeling good. And what makes one feel better than chocolate? (Well, I can think of something but we can't mention it in a family publication.)

P.S. If you’d like to help yourself and your kids recover from our attention-deficit society, sign up for a free TeleChat about Brain Gym. It’s Thursday evening, Nov. 2 at 6 pm mountain time. You’ll get handouts and an audio recording of the call you can listen to later on the Web.

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